Anxiety disorders: What You Need to Know

Anxiety attacks can happen to everybody from time to time. In many cases, anxiety disorders are characterized by recurrent attacks of severe anxiety, terror, and paranoia that last only a few minutes or less before subsiding (panic attacks).

It is difficult to regulate these sensations of fear and panic; they are out of proportion to the actual risk and can linger for an extended period. Adults can develop symptoms that first appear in childhood or adolescence.

Social anxiety disorder (or “social phobia”), particular phobias, panic attacks, and separation anxiety disorder are all types of anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders are not exclusive to one another. Anxiety might be a symptom of a more serious medical problem that necessitates medical attention.

Anxiety disorders are classified as the following:

As a mental health illness, an anxiety disorder falls under the umbrella term. Fear and dread are common reactions for those with an anxiety disorder. Your heart may race, and you may start sweating because you’re stressed out.

Anxiety is quite normal. Going into a difficult situation at work, going to an interview, taking an exam, or making an important decision can make you feel anxious or uncomfortable. Anxiety, on the other hand, can be a good thing. Anxiety, for example, aids in the detection of harmful situations and the concentration of our attention, allowing us to remain safe.

Anxiety disorders can come in many forms.

A variety of anxiety disorders exist, including the following.

  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).
  • Panic disorder.
  • Separation anxiety.

Anxiety disorders have many characteristics with other mental health issues. Psychological conditions like PTSD and OCD are also on the list.

Is there a known cause of panic attacks and other anxiety disorders?

In many ways, anxiety disorders are a form of other mental illnesses. They aren’t the result of a lack of strength in one’s own character or a poor upbringing. Anxiety disorders, on the other hand, remain a mystery to researchers. Several things may be at play:


  • Stress that lasts for a long time or is really intense might alter the chemical balance in your brain that regulates mood. Anxiety disorders can develop as a result of prolonged exposure to high levels of stress.
  • Anxiety disorders can be triggered by various environmental variables, especially if a person has a predisposition to anxiety disorder development due to genetics.

Anxiety disorder symptoms include what?

Anxiety disorders present with a wide range of symptoms. The following symptoms characterize anxiety disorders:

Physical signs:

  • It’s best to keep your hands warm and dry.
  • Loss of taste sensations in the mouth.
  • Palpitations in the heart.
  • Hand or foot numbness or tingling.
  • Tension in the muscles.
  • Difficulty breathing.

Mental symptoms:

  • Panic, fear, and dread are all present.
  • Repetitive thoughts or flashbacks about tragic events.

Symptoms of a behavioral nature:

  • An inability to remain calm and quiet.
  • Hand washing is an example of ritualistic behavior.
  • Inability to sleep.

Risk Factor:

You may be more susceptible to having an anxiety condition if you have any of the following:

  • Anxiety disorders are more common in children who have been abused or traumatized or who have witnessed horrific occurrences. Anxiety disorders can also emerge in adults who have been through a traumatic event.
  • Stress due to an illness. As a result of a medical condition or severe sickness, you may be concerned about your treatment and your long-term prospects.
  • The accumulation of tension. It is possible that a significant life event, or a series of lesser stressful life events, might cause excessive anxiety — for example, loss in the family or continuous financial worries.
  • People with specific personality types are more likely to suffer from anxiety problems.


Anxiety disorders can be difficult and irritating to deal with daily. You can become exhausted and worried from worrying and fearing all the time. You’ve already taken the first step in letting go of your anxiety if you’ve sought medical attention for your symptoms.

Finding the proper treatment for you may take some time. Treatment for multiple anxiety disorders may necessitate the use of a variety of methods. Anxiety disorders are best treated with a combination of medication and counseling for the vast majority of patients. You can learn to control your symptoms and thrive with the proper care and therapy.

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